Recent posts

Type Title Author Replies Last Post
Biblio Spectral analysis of Morse-Smale gradient flows admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Intrinsic ergodicity beyond specification: $\beta$-shifts, S-gap shifts, and their factors admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Bernoulli diffeomorphisms and group extensions of dynamical systems with non-zero characteristic exponents admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio The almost Borel structure of surface diffeomorphisms, Markov shifts and their factors admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio The ergodic theory of Axiom A flows admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Amenable equivalence relations and the construction of ergodic averages for group actions admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Homology for zero-dimensional nonwandering sets admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Hausdorff dimension of quasi-circles admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Entropies et rigidités des espaces localement symétriques de courbure strictement négative admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Conditions under which a geodesic flow is Anosov admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio New examples in smooth ergodic theory. Ergodic diffeomorphisms admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Nonuniform hyperbolicity for C 1-generic diffeomorphisms admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio Entropy and the localization of eigenfunctions, to appear in Ann admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio An introduction to infinite ergodic theory admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:15
Biblio The anisotropic Kepler problem in two dimensions admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Periodic orbits and classical quantization conditions admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Expansivity, pseudoleaf tracing property and semistability of foliations admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Foliations, the ergodic theorem and Brownian motion admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio On the entropy of holomorphic maps admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Three remarks on geodesic dynamics and fundamental group admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Topological invariants of dynamical systems and spaces of holomorphic maps: I admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Semiclassical approach for the Ruelle-Pollicott spectrum of hyperbolic dynamics admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Inertial manifolds for nonlinear evolutionary equations admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Constructions in elliptic dynamics admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14
Biblio Finitely presented dynamical systems admin Sat, 10/01/2016 - 09:14