PermalinkSubmitted by Mike Boyle on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 16:15
Various versions of ``conjugacy between topology and measure theory'' have been studied in the case of a mixing shift of finite type S with a specified invariant Markov measure μ. At one extreme, a conjugacy ϕ:(S,μ)→(S,μ′) is only required to satisfy ϕ∗(μ)=μ′ with ϕS=S′ϕ on a set of full μ measure. At the other extreme, ϕ is also required to be a homeomorphism. Intermediate requirements on ϕ were studied by Keane and Smorodinsky, Parry, Schmidt, Marcus and Tuncel, Gomez ... For a brief review of this with references, and the still-open ``Good finitary conjecture'', see the discussion of Problem 9 in [1] (also available as ``OPSD'' at ).
In another direction, one can consider homeomorphisms S and S′ with respect to all invariant Borel probabilities (not just one), and ask for a topological or Borel conjugacy between the complements of sets of measure zero for all nonatomic invariant Borel probabilities. Hochman [2] proved striking universality results in this direction (for application of this work to C+ diffeomorphisms, see [3]).
Finally, following Shelah and Weiss, one can consider S and S′ as Borel systems, neglecting wandering sets; see [4] for dramatic progress on this long stalled study.
I understand: Notions of similarity intermediate between topological conjugacy and measurable isomorphism a.e.. right?
Entropy-conjugacy refers to
Entropy-conjugacy refers to Bowen's paper [1].
See [2] for recent work.
See Problem 99
Various versions of `
Various versions of ``conjugacy between topology and measure theory'' have been studied in the case of a mixing shift of finite type S with a specified invariant Markov measure μ. At one extreme, a conjugacy ϕ:(S,μ)→(S,μ′) is only required to satisfy ϕ∗(μ)=μ′ with ϕS=S′ϕ on a set of full μ measure. At the other extreme, ϕ is also required to be a homeomorphism. Intermediate requirements on ϕ were studied by Keane and Smorodinsky, Parry, Schmidt, Marcus and Tuncel, Gomez ... For a brief review of this with references, and the still-open ``Good finitary conjecture'', see the discussion of Problem 9 in [1] (also available as ``OPSD'' at ).
In another direction, one can consider homeomorphisms S and S′ with respect to all invariant Borel probabilities (not just one), and ask for a topological or Borel conjugacy between the complements of sets of measure zero for all nonatomic invariant Borel probabilities. Hochman [2] proved striking universality results in this direction (for application of this work to C+ diffeomorphisms, see [3]).
Finally, following Shelah and Weiss, one can consider S and S′ as Borel systems, neglecting wandering sets; see [4] for dramatic progress on this long stalled study.
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